Monday, April 25, 2011

Helping out in the office.

The old guy was pretty busy in the office today, so I figured I'd try and help him out.  He needed some more paper in the printer and I decided to try and open a new ream of paper for him.  It's kind of hard to get into something when paws and teeth are all you have, but I was able to get the wrapper off.  Actually, it didn't taste bad, but I wouldn't want to eat much of it.  I don't know why, but Rod didn't seem to appreciate my help all that much.  He said something about sending his blood pressure through the roof.  I guess I'll leave him alone for a while and maybe checkout the bathroom or the kitchen to see how I can help.

1 comment:

  1. Tibbles, those reams of paper are kinda hard to open, even for me -- you did a great job. Did you find what you were looking for in the nearby file folders? FINALLY, you rested under the heat of the desk lamp!


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