Monday, August 29, 2011

Rich is messing with my mind.

I’m an easy going little kitty most of the time, but things have sure changed a lot since Rich moved in with us.  I think I’ve got the old guy figured out pretty well, but I’m never quite sure what to expect from Rich and he keeps messing with my mind.  I need to make sure he doesn’t lock me in somewhere where I can’t get out, or pull some other kind of trick.   Of course, I find ways to get back at him every so often and he has the scars to prove it.  Hey, Rich, mess with me at your own risk!


  1. Tibbles, as they say, a mind is a terrible thing to lose ...

    that nasty Chris shut you in one of the cabinet compartments -- when you can, attack his sneakers and rip them to shreds and scratch his butt through his bermudas AND when he sneezes loud, take a good bite out of his nose -- he should learn quickly who is the boss at Rod and your home

  2. His name is Rich and I know he's really just playing with me. Sometimes, I get back at him pretty good.


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