Thursday, September 22, 2011

That's stretching it a little.

I found a rubber band on the floor yesterday while I was playing with the boiled egg.  The old guy usually doesn't like me to play with them because he says I could swallow one and cause all kinds of problems. This time, I promised I'd be real careful so he let me have it for a while.  Rubber bands are so much fun and I can do all kinds of things with them.  I can also lay on the floor and still play. The only problem, is that it's hard for me to get my paws on them for very long.


  1. Tibbles, what fun you are having with a rubber band again -- jumping up and down and rolling around helps you get rid of a couple pounds of blubber on your stomach ...

    just be careful, don't swallow it ...

    I haven't seen you playing with your fuzzy owl toy for a long time -- do you remember where it is hiding ??

  2. The old guy stashed a bunch of my stuff against the wall and I just found my owl in the red cube. I was afraid I had lost it. If Rich would get rid of some of the stuff he brought down here, I'd have more room for my toys.

  3. Tibbles, I do agree -- you and Rod were happy and active before that boring Rich arrived with his dumb feather duster, laser pointer, way too many cabinets and other junk to fit in YOUR living space ...

    he should move out with all his excess junk and once again allow you and Rod a happy active peaceful life

  4. The old guy and I both love having Rich here with us. He looks out for us and does a lot of stuff that Rod just can't do anymore. It's just taking longer than expected top get everything organized and straightened out.


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