Friday, September 9, 2011

Who turned out the lights?

Whoa!  What happened?  Nothing much to see in this video.

Yesterday was the weirdest day in my young life.  It was a REALLY hot day and all the power went off at around 3:30 in the afternoon.   The old guy had gone out to go to the bank and do a little shopping, but Rich was home and opened up all the windows in the house.   I guess the old guy was shopping for fruit and veggies at a little market when they lost the power.  He said that everyone thought it would come back on after a few minutes and most people were still hanging around, but he decided to give up and come home.  He said that he was lucky he did.  All the traffic lights were out and the freeway was a parking lot In both directions.  He was very glad to finally get home.
We were lucky to have some candles and flashlights around, but the power didn’t come back on until 1:30 in the morning.  My eyesight is pretty good at night, but the old guy was stumbling all over the place.  Thanks, Rich, for taking care of all of the emergency stuff for the old guy and me.  We made it through with no major problems.  Here's a story about what happened:   

I tried looking out of the window to see what was going on, but all the lights were out and there was nobody outside.  The old guy tried to take a video of me in the dark, but there’s really nothing to see.  Duh!  Oh well, I got to sneak into the shower after Rich finished today and that was nice and refreshing.  I’m looking forward to a quiet weekend with no more surprises.

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