Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The old guy thinks I’m getting a little chubby and is threatening to change my name from Tibs to Tubs.  Not funny, and he should take a look at himself in the mirror!  Lately, he’s been cutting back on giving me any little chicken treats, so I’m always on the lookout for something new I can nibble.  The box of crackers looked interesting, but I’d much rather have a little chicken.  Now that I’m nearly a year old, the old guy bought a different kind of dry food for me the other day and he’s mixing it in with my kitty food.  It’s kinda tasty and I think I’m going to enjoy it.  By the way Rod, the next time you take a video of me, please keep your finger off of the lens.  It’s very distracting.  You should certainly take some lessons from Rich.  Just take a look at the cool photo he took of me in the bathtub yesterday.  Now, that’s talent!


  1. It says Wheat Thins, not Cat Thins Tibs! Thanks for the compliment. You are one photogenic kitty!

  2. Hey, Chubby Tibbles, wheat thins are great for the digestion, they clean out the intestines and make some of your blubber disappear ...

    what were you doing in the bathtub? Just a photo op??

  3. I didn't get much of a chance to taste the Wheat Thins. I licked a couple of crackers before the old guy took away the carton and that was about it. He's cutting back on myu treats as he slowly switches me to the new cat chow. He finally got around to reading the instructions and figures I've been eating way too much. Bummer!

    I enjoy playing anywhere in the bathrooms. Rich threw one of my little mouse toys in the bathtub and I went in after it. I enjoy it when someone turns on the faiucet.

  4. Tibbles, what is wrong now? I am trying to sign in with my google account BUT it doesn't seem to be accepting it


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