Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fun with feathers

I’ve noticed some big changes in the way I’ve been feeling lately.  I’ll be one year old in a couple of weeks and the old guy keeps reminding me that I’m no longer really a kitten.  He says that cats don’t age the same way as dogs and that I’m now about 18 years old in human years.  Can you remember when you were 18?  The old guy says that was a pretty rough time in his life.  Anyway, here’s the cat years calculator he downloaded from the computer:
   1-month-old kitten = 6-month-old human baby
   3-month-old kitten = 4-year-old child
   6-month-old kitten = 10 human years old
   8-month-old kitten = 15-year-old human
   A 1-year-old cat has reached adulthood, the equivalent of 18 human years
   2 human years = 24 cat years
   4 human years = 35 cat years
   6 human years = 42 cat years
   8 human years = 50 cat years
   10 human years = 60 cat years
   12 human years = 70 cat years
   14 human years = 80 cat years
16 human years = 84 cat years

Rich still tries to play with me like I’m a little kitty, but I just don’t seem to have all that energy anymore.  I do enjoy trying to catch the feather thing he waves around, but it’s more fun to lay on the carpet and just try to grab it.  Rod says I’m just getting fat and lazy.  That from an old guy that rarely gets off his chair to get another snack. Ha! 


  1. Tibbles, that old feather duster thing AGAIN -- he simply cannot think of something new, can he?

    you have probably heard of air guitars ...

    hows about AIR SWIMMERS ?? Watch the cat at the end of the video ...

    what would a brave over weight cat like you do in that situation??

  2. The old guy says he has now posted 200 videos and photos of me on the blog and is running out of ideas. He thinks maybe he should discontinue the blog now that I'm growing up and not acting very much like a kitten anymore. What do you think?

  3. Tibbles, 200 videos already? That isn't a real lot ...

    Rod may run out of ideas,but YOU never do! Instead of every day, blog every other day -- what would your adoring fans around the world think if they didn't find at least a short message from you when they get here?? Your videos are always different, funny, informative, cool ...

    we are following your life into old age, at least in human/cat years, kinda similar to Rod's 85


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