Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Having fun with the old guy and angry bird.

The old guy has been getting kinda lazy lately about helping me with my blog and I hate to admit it, but I need a little help from him.  He and Rich left me all alone on Sunday and went up to San Clemente to have brunch with all of the family.  Jill, the old guys daughter, was visiting for a few hours and handing out Christmas presents.  She was really generous and one of her presents for Rich was an iPhone telephoto lens kit.  Here’s a shot of me in my new cube that was taken with it.  Pretty cool.

The old guy also got to see his great-grandson, Odin, for the first time and is really proud of him.  He finally spent some time with me last night and we had some fun on his chair with the angry bird I got as a gift from Hartz.  When I’m playing with the old guy, I don’t even have to get up and can just have fun while I’m lying on his lap.  Rich makes me chase all over the house.  I’ll have a video of Rich playing with me with the same toy on my next blog.  What a difference!


  1. Tibbles, I didn't know there was a close up lens for the iPhone -- I'll have to look into it ...

    I haven't taken any videos with my iPhone G4 yet -- maybe during the holidays I may experiment with it -- does it automatically adjust to the light in the room ? How about in a semi dark room ??

    you are so cute when you look at the cam !

    a short while ago I updated my news page to my usual Christmas page [it will go until my birthday on 14 January 2012, then I start a 2012 news page -- added a bunch of kewl links and info about the repair of my two Apple computers plus other stuff ...


  2. The old guy googled the iPhone telephoto kit and found this link: http://richardsolo.com/telephotolenskit.aspx. We're going to take a look at your Christmas page a title later. He just got back from his cardio rehab workout, so he wants to take a nap. I think I'll join him.


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