Wednesday, December 21, 2011

PLaying "Angry Birds" with Rich

When I play with Rich, it’s a lot different than playing with the old guy and I really get a workout.  Last night, he had me up on top of his wardrobe trying to catch one of the Angry Birds toys that Hartz sent to me.  It sure was a lot of fun, but he totally wore me out and I had to take a break with Rod when we were through playing.  I’m glad my claws have grown back quite a bit in the last couple of weeks and I was able to grab that bird quite a few times while we were playing.


  1. Tibbles, that first photo looks as if it was taken with Rod's new telephoto lens ...

    ou had enough exercise for today

    so go snuggle up with Rod for a while -- it's almost Christmas Eve = Sylvester Abend

  2. I think I'll do that, but the old guy said he thought Sylvesterabend was New Year's Eve, not Christmas Eve. Not that it matters. Rich and Rod will be celebrating Xmas Eve at Greg's home up in San Clemente and I'll be left all by myself to take a nice long nap.

  3. BTW, Rich took the photo with his regular iPhone. He just was able to get up real close to top it.


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