Saturday, December 24, 2011

Trimming the tree.

It’s a little late, but we’re finally getting into the holiday spirit at the old guy’s house.  I was a real little kitty last Christmas and Rod decided he would forego a tree.  This year, Rich happened to find out that Walmart was giving away their leftover trees, so he snagged a really nice one and brought it home.  I’ve been helping him decorate it and it’s really pretty.  I guess I’ll be a good kitty and not mess with it, but it sure is a temptation.  I wonder how long they’ll keep it up?  I hope it’s until at least after the New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Tibbles, what a nice Christmas tree

    and it was FREE !

    isn't Rich going to put any ornaments on it ?

    Rod was correct ...

    Sylvester Abend is on New Years Eve ...

    as I recall it is named after Pope Sylvester [NOT a cat with the same name]

    who lived in the 4th century, if I remember correctly ...

    when the clock strikes midnight one eats a grape for every second before the hour


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