Thursday, March 31, 2011
Don't mess with Tibbles
Living with the old guy is sooo exciting! Sometimes it's hard for me to stifle a big yawn. Hmmm, I see I'm developing a nice set of choppers. I know my fans think I'm just a lovable little pussycat, but I can do some serious damage, so don't mess with me.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tibbles Wants Clean Towels
I know the old guy doesn't get many visitors, but it's way past time for him to change the towels in the guest bathroom. I'm thinking he still has the same towels hanging in there that he did when I moved in back in early December. Come on, Rod. Get busy and change the color scheme.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tibbles Wrecks the Red Cube
Okay, the old guy has been on my case to dump my green cube and start using the new red one. The red cube just looked way too squeaky clean for my liking, but I figured I'd better try and keep on Rod's good side, so I gave it a try. Last night my mouse, Fuzzy, and I gave the red cube a good workout and we were able to leave a few pretty good scars on it. It's now almost broken in and worthy of some more of my playtime. It just needs a little more breaking in and maybe--just maybe--I'll let the old guy dump my green cube. I've gotta admit it's pretty much trashed.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tibbles gets frisky with Fuzzy.
I’m sure glad I found my furry little mouse toy. I’ve been looking all over the house for it and was afraid the old guy had tossed it out. I guess I should think of a name for him. How about “Fuzzy”? My mouse doesn’t look anything like the one the old guy plays with on his computer. He’s always dragging it around on his mouse pad and it makes stuff move all over the computer screen. I try to grab it once in a while, but I can’t seem to do much with it. I guess I’ll stay with Fuzzy and just enjoy myself.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Tibbles finds his mouse.
The old guy says it's way to early in the morning for him to feel like playing, but I'm wide awake and ready to roll. I hadn't been able to find my furry little mouse toy, but I dug it up from behind the piano today and it's a lot of fun. Rod had a hard time trying to keep up with me, but that's certainly nothing new. I'm going to have to start looking for some of my other lost stuff.
Tibbles goes nuts.
The old guy sure does eat some weird stuff. Last night, he was in his usual position--stretched out in his favorite chair, watching TV and munching on a can of mixed nuts. He tossed a couple at me, but there's no way I'm going to swallow those things. They taste kinda salty and are really hard to hold in my paws, but I did have fun playing with them. Rod says he should have called me Dizzy, after some jazz trumpet player who used to sing, "Salt peanuts, salt peanuts!", instead of Tibbles.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Tibbles Tests the Water
Sometimes I wonder if the old guy is losing it. For some strange reason, he pricked holes in the tops of a half dozen eggs and then boiled them for 12 minutes in a saucepan. Then, he dumped them in cold water in the sink. What was that all about? So anyway, I really am fascinated by water, but I don't like to get my beautiful fur wet. It's just too big a temptation for me not to check a full saucepan of water and see how it feels. I don't mind getting my paws a little wet and I'd love to try and get my paws on those eggs, but they're down too deep. Maybe I'll be able to grab one when Rod takes them out. I wonder what he's going to do with them?
Friday, March 25, 2011
Peel Me A Grape!
I'm never sure what the old guy is going to bring home from the store, but it's usually stuff I can't eat. That's okay if I can at least play with it. Last night, he brought in some grapes and put them on the kitchen counter. They're perfect to roll around on the kitchen floor if you can rip a couple out of the bunch. Rod doesn't seem to appreciate how much fun I can have with them and put a lid on the container. What a spoil sport! I guess I'll just have to find something else to mess with instead.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Tibbles Explores the Red Cube
The old guy has let me keep my old green cube, but I really have done a good job of thrashing it and I guess I should give the new red cube a chance. I checked it out for quite a while last night and it's kinda cool, so maybe I will start using it more.
Rod's daughter, Jill, visited us last night and I think I really impressed her. The old guy and I were taking a nap when she came, but it didn't take long for me to wake up and impress her with my acrobatics. She knows a lot about cats and says I'm really "energetic". When they came back from dinner, Rod had some chicken for me and I think I like it even more than fish. Really yummy! Jill is directing a cruise down to Mexico, so we won't be able to see her again before she goes back to Chicago. I sure hope she comes back to California soon. Rich, the old guy's son is in Guam shooting an Xterra race and Rod's other son, Greg, is really busy, so I'm guessing we'll have a quiet weekend at home. I'm going to try and get the old guy to give me some more chicken. I'm getting tired of nothing but kitty chow and I'm a growing young boy.
Rod's daughter, Jill, visited us last night and I think I really impressed her. The old guy and I were taking a nap when she came, but it didn't take long for me to wake up and impress her with my acrobatics. She knows a lot about cats and says I'm really "energetic". When they came back from dinner, Rod had some chicken for me and I think I like it even more than fish. Really yummy! Jill is directing a cruise down to Mexico, so we won't be able to see her again before she goes back to Chicago. I sure hope she comes back to California soon. Rich, the old guy's son is in Guam shooting an Xterra race and Rod's other son, Greg, is really busy, so I'm guessing we'll have a quiet weekend at home. I'm going to try and get the old guy to give me some more chicken. I'm getting tired of nothing but kitty chow and I'm a growing young boy.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I could have had a V8!
The old guy has a regular routine every morning and he really sticks to it. I can't even get close to him until he has his morning coffee and takes a whole bunch of pills. Then, he has to have his cereal and a can of V8. I was able to wrestle it away from him this morning, but I couldn't find a way to open it. Oh well, I don't think I'd like it anyway. It doesn't smell like fish or chicken.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tibbles needs a tissue.
I don't know why they make it so difficult for a kitten to get a tissue when I need one. Come on, I've got paws--not fingers. I've been sneezing all morning and I think I may be allergic to the old guy. Or maybe I'm catching a cold. Thankfully, I'm indoors but it got really cold last night, so I snuggled in the old guys bed down by his feet. I don't know why, but he doesn't deem to like it when I nibble on his toes.
I'm looking forward to seeing Rod's daughter, Jill, tomorrow. I hope she brings me a treat from Chicago.
I'm looking forward to seeing Rod's daughter, Jill, tomorrow. I hope she brings me a treat from Chicago.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Tibbles Has a Lazy Sunday Evening
It was cold and rainy last night and I just wanted to lie around and take it easy for a while. As usual, the old guy had his camera on and was waiting for me to do something “cute”, but I wasn’t in the mood. Heck, it was Sunday night and I had a very busy week. Rod says this video is about as interesting as watching grass grow, but I find it very relaxing.
The old guy told me that Rich is on his way to Guam to shoot an Xterra race and he won’t be back until next Monday, but I’m looking forward to seeing Rod’s daughter, Jill, this week. She’s coming out from Chicago to direct a cruise to Mexico. She travels all over the world so the old guy doesn’t get to see her very often. She really loves cats and should be lots of fun. Maybe she’ll bring me a new toy, or some kind of treat.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Tibbles checks out the LA Marathon.
The old guy is watching the LA Marathon this morning. Rod tells me that Rich is the official race photographer, so he's probably on the truck that is filming the elite runners. I bet he's getting wet. I'm glad I'm an indoor cat and don't have to worry about the weather.
Gee, I wonder if I could run a marathon? That's one heck of a long way to run. I think I'm more of a sprinter and would have better luck running against quarter horses. I'm going to rest up for a while and think about it.
Gee, I wonder if I could run a marathon? That's one heck of a long way to run. I think I'm more of a sprinter and would have better luck running against quarter horses. I'm going to rest up for a while and think about it.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Tibbles versus the Paparazzi
Most of the time, I enjoy living with the old guy, but sometimes it's like living with a Paparazzi. I crawl into empty boxes or hide in my cubes, but Rod always seems to be there with a camera in my face. I have to let him know I need my space. I wish Rich hadn't told him to get closer to me when he shoots videos. Hmmm, looking at my green cube, I guess it is getting a little beat up, but it's sure fun, so I've got to make sure he doesn't toss it out.
Sprucing up for the weekend.

Last night, I decided to give the old guy a break and snuggled with him for quite a while, while we watched TV. While I was at it, I decided to spruce up for the weekend. I try my best to keep looking as good as possible for all of my fans.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Tibbles tries to use a ballpoint pen.
I'd like to take some notes for my blog, but it's kinda hard to hold onto a pen when you don't have any fingers. I guess I'll have to beg the old guy to help me write the next episode. He'll probably try to make it all about him instead of me. Meanwhile, he's griping at me for messing up his desk and knocking over his iPhone. Geez, give a kitten a break!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
O'Tibbles is wishing ye the top o' the day!
Slainte! (Cheers!) The old guy has been telling me all about his trips to Ireland today. His sister lives on The Burren in County Clare, close to Galway. The last time he was over there he got to kiss the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle and now has "The Gift of Eloquence"--or so he thinks. He tells me that the Irish really like cats as well and they're all over the place. It sounds like a nice place to visit. Lots of fish!
The old guy kissed the Blarney Stone |
Signposts in Gaelic & English |
Cat on a hot car roof, Ballyvaughn, County Claire |
Wall art in County Cork |
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tibbles--I'm growing Up Fast
Tibbles at 8 weeks old. |
I wasn't sure what to think when Mike and Carol dropped me off at Rod's house in December, but the old guy is pretty cool, even if he is slow. I've got lots of toys and he feeds me well. He even cleans out my litter box every day. That's gotta be loads of fun.
I'm hoping Rich will come down to see us soon so I can rough house with him. Maybe he'll take some nice new photos of me that a can post.
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Tibbles at 5 months old |
Monday, March 14, 2011
Up Close With Tibbles
Rich told the old guy that he should try to get closer to me when taking videos. That way, everyone can see how absolutely adorable I am. Well, I don't mind showing off my good looks, but I don't really like that camera right on top of me. After a while, all I wanted to do was retreat to my cubes and be left alone. Maybe Rod will give me a break and just let me snooze for a while. I've had enough of posing for the camera today.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The sun is shining, the birds are twittering.
It sure looks nice outside. The sun is shining, the birds are twittering and Spring is just about here. I wonder what it would be like to be an outdoors cat? The old guy says that if I keep on wrecking his house, I may find out sooner than later. He says he may let be go play with the coyotes. I THINK he's just kidding.
Rod's son, Rich, helped him set up a Twitter account for me yesterday and I've already got a bunch of really cute girls following me. If you want to follow me, my Twitter name is Tibsthecat. Now I've got to think of some bright things to Tweet.
Rod's son, Rich, helped him set up a Twitter account for me yesterday and I've already got a bunch of really cute girls following me. If you want to follow me, my Twitter name is Tibsthecat. Now I've got to think of some bright things to Tweet.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Tibbles Has An Early Morning Workout
There's nothing I enjoy more than waking the old guy up at 6:30 on a Saturday morning to feed me and keep me company. I kind of rested up yesterday and I'm now feeling pretty feisty. Rod gave me fresh water and filled up my food bowl and now I'm ready to roll. He's going to have a hard time keeping up with me today.
My old green cube is getting pretty beat up, but I still really enjoy it and hope the old guy doesn't toss it out for a while. Rod says I'm too rambunctious--whatever that means. Hey, I'm still only five months old and need my play time. He told me that if I behave myself, he may let me start a Twitter account so I can stay in touch with my fans. That could be fun, but I'm not sure I can say much with 140 characters.
My old green cube is getting pretty beat up, but I still really enjoy it and hope the old guy doesn't toss it out for a while. Rod says I'm too rambunctious--whatever that means. Hey, I'm still only five months old and need my play time. He told me that if I behave myself, he may let me start a Twitter account so I can stay in touch with my fans. That could be fun, but I'm not sure I can say much with 140 characters.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Isn't This a Touch Screen Computer?
All this high tech stuff is very confusing for a little kitty like me. I've been trying to use the old guy's computer to check for emails from my fans, but I just can't seem to scroll down the screen. Rod says I need to use a mouse. Huh? As my momma used to tell me, "The only good mouse is a dead mouse". I'm gonna have to pay more attention to how the old man gets his stuff. Geez, if an 80-year old guy can do it, it should be easy for me.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tibbles Tackles the Toilet Paper
The old guy thought he was being pretty clever when he turned the toilet paper roll around so I couldn't unroll it. C'mon Rod, you've lived with me long enough now to know that I'm not going to give up that easily. Maybe I can't unroll it, but I can sure do a number on it. Good luck trying to use it!
Oops! There goes another rubber tree plant.
I'm guessing everyone could see this coming. I just had to take another look at the heather the old guy had stashed up on the top shelf. Sure enough, it came tumbling down just as I was getting interested. If he didn't want it knocked over, he shouldn't have put it up so high. Now he's blaming me for the mess. Go figure!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Tibbles has fun with some heather.
I thought I had just about wiped out all of the old guy's living plants, but I guess I missed the dried heather. I'm not sure if it's really dead or alive, but it still has a nice smell and the little flowers are fun to play with when I can pull a few down. Rod's mistaken if he thinks I'm going to use the new scratch board to trim my claws, but it is a good place to hide stuff and I enjoy poking under it to get to my bounty. I'm still working on getting the whole plant down where I can totally destroy it. I'm sure it won't be long before I accomplish that.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Tibbles Has a Lazy Monday Morning
People may think that I'm always playing and running around, but sometimes I just like to kick back and relax. Anyway, I'm still recovering from a visit from Rich over the weekend. It's Monday morning and I just want to lay around the living room for a while and maybe try to wreck the furniture a little bit more if I have the energy. I'm building myself up for another fun-filled week of trying to terrorize the old guy.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Tibbles in the In Basket
What an exciting afternoon. Rich, the old guy's photographer son, dropped by on the way back from a shoot in San Diego. I can always depend on him for some fun and a lot of attention. He kept me on the go all afternoon and I finally retreated to the in-basket in Rod's office. No luck with that! Rich was on me in a flash with his iPhone. I tried to get some protection from the old guy, but he just dumped me off on his chair and started spinning it around. Gotta admit it was kind of fun. I'm still trying to rest up from Rich's visit.
Tibbles Has a New Toy
Oh boy! My new toy arrived from Amazon. It's a scratch board that is supposed to keep my claws trimmed when I play with it. Thanks, Rod, but that's a little sneaky. I'd rather have my claws ready to draw blood from time to time. Hey, the shipping envelope is a lot more fun anyway. The old guy says it reminds him of Christmas when his kids were little. They seemed to have more fun playing with the wrappings than the toys.
Where's Tibbles' Philodendron?
Hey, what happened to my plant? I was trimming it just the way I wanted it and now it's gone. I don't think the old guy could possibly have got up to that ledge to take it down. He even has trouble tying his shoes! There are a couple of phony plants, but they're just not the same. It's hardly worth the effort climbing up there to play with them.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Tibbles Trims the House Plant
I think the old guy thought his last living plant would be safe from me if he put it up on the ledge. Ha! When I want something, I go after it and don't quit until I'm successful. He's going to have trouble trying to outsmart me.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
I felt super hyper this morning and the old guy was really having trouble trying to keep up with me. He says I have way too many toys and I'm turning his home into a cathouse. For some reason, he seemed to think he was being funny. What a weird old man. Anyway, he says he has another surprise coming for me that he ordered from Amazon and that I'm just going to have to dump some of my junk. We'll see about that. Maybe I can stash some of it in the bedroom. There's also a guest bedroom that he hasn't let me see yet. Maybe I can put some of my favorite stuff in there if I can get him to let me in to see what it's like. He says it's reserved for company, but he never seems to have any that stays overnight.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
It's not always easy to get what you're going after, but I've learned never to give up. Sometimes, I think the old guy sets me up for his own amusement, but I showed him and got that little bag tie from under the scales. However, now that I've got it, I'm not sure what to do with it. Rod says, "That's life!".
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