Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Chasing the little red light

I was just having a quiet evening when Rich started shining the little red laser light all over the place.  What's a cat going to do?  Naturally, I've got to chase it--wherever it goes.  I'm sure glad I'm in good shape and very athletic, or I'd have trouble following it.  I'm not sure what I'd do with it if I ever caught it, but hey--I'm a cat--and if it moves, I'm gonna be all over it.


  1. Hi again Tibbles -- as I told you before, lasers are NOT safe to play with ...

    I have a kinda weird question -- does ROD really exist as a living person? All we usually see of him is legs in long sweat pants and socks and slippers -- that all could be a life sized model from some male clothing shop -- Rod also is NOT on the list of contributors, which I find suspicious ...

    can't you include a recent sizable color photo of Rod's face in your blog to convince your readers and me that YES he is there with you -- MUCHAS GRACIAS

  2. Rod is just a figment of my imagination. ;)

  3. Actually, Rod is camera shy. He says he's too fat, old and ugly to show his face. He tried to add his name to the list of contributors, but had already used his Google account to ad my dname. He needs to find another way to do it.


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